Mining Help

Frequently Asked Questions

Top Questions
How Does Bitcoin Mining Work With Primefxt MANAGEMENT GROUP

It’s quick and very easy! As soon as we receive your payment your contract will be added to your profile, and you can immediately start mining. Depending on the blockchain algorithm you select and the associated mining service agreement you enter into, you can either mine native cryptocurrencies directly or allocate your hashpower to other cryptocurrencies (marked with AUTO), and even choose a specific allocation for them. For example: 60% LTC, 20% BTC and 20% DOGE. The first mining output is released after 48 hours, and then a daily mining output will follow..

Are You Mining For Yourself

Besides the fact that we ourselves mine with the very same hardware that we offer to our clients, our capital is limited. We believe that Bitcoin and Altcoin mining is one of the best ways to receive Cryptocurrencies, however, we do not want to “put all our eggs in one basket”..

Where Is Your Mining Farm

For security reasons, we do not disclose the exact location of our mining farms. As of April 2015, we are operating several mining farms that are located in Europe, America and Asia. Electricity cost and availability of cooling are important, but not the only criteria. See our Datacenters page for more information..